Thank You MySchool Supporters for Making Our Bus Trips Possible!

The Community Services Team at PADCA renders valuable services to rural communities in the Pietermaritzburg region. The team is relatively small however, we have a dedicated social worker, who has the primary responsibility of engaging with the elderly in the rural communities of Pietermaritzburg by uplifting their lives through community outreach projects. There are presently…

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Storytelling from PADCA’s Seniors

The vast majority of us are fortunate to have older people around us, whether they’re family, friends, just general acquaintances or those entrusted in our care. Older people are fonts of wisdom, experience, and storytelling. Some of our fondest childhood memories stem from our grandparents’ storytelling whether true, fictional or folktale. These stories can be…

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Putting The Spotlight On Fibre

What is fibre and why is it important? Dietary fibre is the edible part of plants which your body can’t digest or absorb. Fibre is sometimes called bulk or roughage. Fibre can be categorised by 3 physical characteristics, including its ability to dissolve (e.g. soluble and insoluble), how thick it is (gel-like quality), and how well…

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