What you can give can change the life of senior this Mandela day

We will never fully understand why we sometimes experience more gratitude from giving rather than receiving. Some studies reveal that giving has many benefits such as when we give it brings about feelings of warmth, euphoria and connection with others. Giving has also been known to have a ripple effect and encourage others to do the same.

The late Princess of Wales is quoted as saying, “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” Random acts of kindness is a term which refers to selfless acts, both large and small, that are committed unexpectedly, without prompting and with no apparent ulterior motive. This is essentially the thinking process which inspired our great Madiba in 2009, when he suggested that the people of South Africa honour him by giving back to their communities, rather than celebrating his birthday on 18th July each year.

The global theme for the Nelson Mandela International Day campaign this year is, “Do what you can, with what you have, wherever you are.”  With the ever-rising cost of living, inequality in South Africa continues to grow. The destructive impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, unsettling events of the looting and riots and the recent devastating floods have all damaged vulnerable marginalised communities. The call for action is broad and inclusive – identify those in need around you and do what you can to make a difference for them.

PADCA renders valuable services to our rural communities in the Pietermaritzburg region. This is very often regarded as the invisible service provided, as it might not receive as much exposure as our other well-known services, yet it is equally meaningful. Some of these services include our Home-Based Carers programme and our Income Generating Projects. Our Home-Based Carers presently function as volunteers; they provide primarily a linking and socialising function for the older adults in their communities while others play a critical role in helping older adults isolated by distance and lack of mobility. Through the services they provide, they make a significant difference in their communities.

This Nelson Mandela International Day, PADCA appeals to you to make a contribution to sustain this important initiative. Below is a list of items required for our Home Based Carer Kits – please donate “what you can, with what you have, wherever you are”.

Currently, we need 26 Carer Kits, each one comprises the following (prices are in brackets as a guideline, not a required value):

  • A Back Pack (R300 to R500)
  • Adult Incontinence Products in medium, large and extra-large (R80 for 14 pads)
  • Wintergreen Ointment (R100 for 500 ml)
  • Latex Gloves (R150 for 100 pairs)
  • Scissors (R200 per pair)
  • Plastic Apron (R50 for 100)
  • Musk Oil (R110)
  • Sanitisers (R70 per bottle)
  • Dettol (R65 per bottle)
  • Betadine (R50 per bottle)
  • Socks Bandage or Knee Cap (R55)
  • Cotton Wool (R35 per bag)
  • Aqueous Cream (R35 per tub)
  • Bandages (R15 per pack)
  • Gauze Swabs (R50 per pack)
  • Plasters (R20 per pack)
  • Vaseline Ointment (R40 per tub)

Estimated value per kit: R1667

Each kit allows our carers to improve the well-being of 20 seniors. So we touch the lives of 460 older adults directly.

Whether you can drop off items to go in the kit, or donate money, or contribute by sharing this campaign, we would so appreciate your help in changing seniors’ lives for the better!

Every donation of R67 will make a difference! Click here to donate via BackaBuddy.

Product contributions can be dropped off at PADCA Head Office, 450 Bulwer Street, Pietermaritzburg OR you can get in touch with us and we can make a plan: email Sheree on homes@padca.co.za or call 078 250 3548

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